Ngư ông đắc lợi :-)

From: Dama18 Oct 2020 09:16
To: ALL1 of 1
  (rolling)  (rolling)  (rolling)

Lochel’s Bakery, located in Montgomery County just north of Philadelphia, had launched its most recent “cookie poll” about six weeks back, offering both “Trump 2020” cookies and “Biden 2020” cookies in red and blue, respectively. This year’s sales, however, are unlike anything the bakery has seen during the last four election cycles.

“People are going crazy for them," said bakery owner Kathleen Lochel in a statement to Fox News, adding that the shop usually only sells a few hundred each election.

Since debuting this year's cookies, however, Lochel’s has already sold thousands of the treats — and demand doesn’t seem to be dwindling anytime soon. On Friday morning, Lochel’s announced on Facebook that the bakery sold out of its supply the previous day, forcing the shop to close early to “bake, recoup and stock.”

She’s also having a bit of fun, too, as she personally tallies up the sales after every few days.

"So far as of 10 a.m. Trump is in the lead 3 to 1," she told Fox News on Friday morning.

Owner Kathleen Lochel tells Fox News the idea originally started "as a joke" back in 2008.
EDITED: 18 Oct 2020 09:17 by DAMA