bánh da lợn

From: philong (AZKILLER)14 Aug 2017 20:38
To: Tieutu 2 of 4
Bánh da lợn

Soak 2/3cup peeled mung bean 3-4 hours, cooked with 1 1/3 cups water
Meanwhile prepare SugaryCoconut mixture: 
1 big can coconut milk (14-oz), 1 1/4 cup sugar, a pinch of salt. Bring to warm until sugar dissolves, about 2min (this is to be poured into dry ingredients)

Dry ingredients:
2 1/4 cups tapioca starch
1/4 cup glutinous rice flour (bột nếp)
Mix well, pour the sugary coconut mixture in. ***Measure out 1 cup of this and save it to blend with cooked mung bean.***Then, add 4 drops of green food color, 1-2 tsp pandan extract, another 3/4 cup coconut milk. Mix well.

Cooked mung bean:
Put in blender, add 3/4 cup coconut milk, 1 tbsp tapioca starch, a pinch of salt, 1/4 cup sugar, 1 packet of vanilla sugar, and the cup of tapioca mixture saved earlier. Blend until smooth.

Fill steamer with half full water, bring to boil, grease round pan then start steaming starting with 3/4 cup green layer, cook for 4min, then 1 cup mung bean layer, cook 5min, then tapioca layer, cook 6min. After each layer increase 1 more minute of cooking time. Should have about 7 layers total. After the last layer which is the 7th layer, cook on low for 20min. Take out, let cool and cut with plastic knife or regular knife covered with plastic wrap.
From: Bocap14 Aug 2017 21:02
To: Tieutu 3 of 4

thường a thêm quote marks cho cái phrase a tìm for exact matches. Ví dụ: "bánh da lợn"
Còn nếu add chị TnTor nữa thì dễ kiếm hơn nữa  :-)
From: Tieutu15 Aug 2017 16:16
To: Bocap 4 of 4
Cám ơn nhiều. Hồi nào giờ quen tật cái sẻarch box nằm phía dưới, hôm nay thấy nó nằm ở trên rồi :)