
From: Giothu23 Jul 2020 23:12
To: Dama 5 of 8
Dạ 3 xe đất là save được tới 6k lận anh. Mấy nay hai vợ chồng cứ lui cui miết ngoài vườn. Được cái chị nhỏ nhà em cũng lăng xăng theo đòi phụ, em thấy tập cho con có những hobby lành mạnh thế này cũng hay.

From: Dama24 Jul 2020 08:10
To: Giothu 6 of 8
Save $$$ là tốt, mà family spend time together còn tốt hơn.  

* Covid-19 +  (haha)  (haha)  (haha)
From: Chutieu28 Jul 2020 21:52
To: Giothu 7 of 8
Giỏi quá
From: Giothu 1 Aug 2020 08:36
To: Chutieu 8 of 8
Dạ ai thích làm vườn có thể check với city của mình có những loại đất giống vậy không, vừa rẻ, vừa tốt, khỏi bón thêm phân. Chứ mua đất từng bịch của Home Depot mắc như tinh, mà đủ thứ cỏ dại và trứng slugs.

TAGRO Topsoil
TAGRO Topsoil is a four-way mix ideal for refreshing gardens and flower beds. It is an intermediary between native nutrient-barren soils and nutrient-rich manufactured soils such as TAGRO Potting Soil. TAGRO Topsoil adds organic matter and nutrients without decreasing porosity. TAGRO Topsoil meets the Type IV topsoil specifications of the Washington State Department of Transportation and the City of Tacoma.

Aged Black Bark
Aged Black Bark serves as a low-nutrient ground cover similar to traditional beauty bark – except that it’s black. TAGRO’s Aged Black Bark is ground finer than traditional beauty bark making it more visually pleasing to most gardeners.
Aged Black Bark contains no TAGRO biosolids.

Aged Black Bark will add both structure and organic matter to soils, improving the rooting of plants. The best uses for Aged Black Bark are:
As a ground cover and weed barrier in flower beds and gardens
Mixed into soil to increase the amount of organic matter
Added to older beds that have sunk over time
As with any surface layer that is high in organic content, Aged Black Bark helps keep moisture in the soil and moderates temperature swings. TAGRO’s Aged Black Bark captures the sun’s rays and helps plant roots warm up a few degrees earlier, which helps in early planting of both vegetables and flowers.

TAGRO’s Aged Black Bark is a weed-free mixture that helps keep weeds out of your garden and flower beds. If weeds sprout from seeds that may have blown in, the loose structure of the product makes weeding easier.

TAGRO Potting Soil
House plants in a slump? The root of the problem could be your soil. Try TAGRO Potting Soil especially designed for container-grown plants. TAGRO Potting Soil is a nutrient-rich blend of 20 percent Tacoma biosolids, 20 percent high-quality maple sawdust and 60 percent clean, aged bark. TAGRO Potting Soil is safe for indoor and outdoor use, and works in both flower and vegetable gardens. It is perfect for outdoor raised planting beds.

TAGRO Potting Soil also contains some small stone and some larger pieces of aged black bark which aids in porosity, structure and overall soil tilth. Tested at Washington State University’s Puyallup Cooperative Extension, TAGRO Potting Soil outperformed traditional potting mixes. With no odd white specks, TAGRO Potting Soil retains a natural, freshly bought look for many months.