$60 - USB (DisplayLink) monitor

From: AlphaTrio12 Dec 2023 14:07
To: ALL1 of 1
$60 - Poly Studio P21 21.5" 16:9 Personal Meeting LCD Monitor

USB monitor with built-in webcam, microphone, speakers, & side LED lights. Wireless charging base for phone.
No HDMI input.

USB monitor nầy dùng DisplayLink driver, không support USB-C's alt DisplayPort. ​​​​​
Lần đầu tiên setup:
- Desktop: cần phải có trước monitor khác
- Laptop: dùng laptop screen 

Cần download software:
- DisplayLink: https://www.synaptics.com/products/displaylink-graphics/downloads/windows-10.1-m1-public
- PolyLens: https://lens.poly.com/download
- Latest firmware: https://www.poly.com/us/en/support/products/video-conferencing/personal-solutions-and-webcams/studio-p21